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LDOD inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.*
All donations may be tax deductible.
History of LDOD:In June of 2000, LDOD was formally organized. LDOD was formed to perform screen accurate productions of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” every Friday night as an alternative entertainment source for the Metro Atlanta Area.Specifically targeting the 17-29-year-olds in the area as a place to come and have fun and not be pressured to drink alcohol or consume illicit drug substances.On December 1, 2000, it premiered at the “LeFont Plaza Theater” (Now, Plaza Theatre) in the Poncey Highlands Atlanta. Since then, LDOD has performed screen accurate production every Friday night at The Plaza Theatre and now advanced on to being the HEADLINING show for Dragon Con.MISSION STATEMENT:Performing the RHPS every Friday night gives teens (17 and older) and young adults a chance to be their true, free authentic-self and supported for whomever they are, neither race, sexual orientation, gender, or religious belief separates or keeps people from attending and enjoying a production of RHPS by LDOD, where there are no drugs for sale or allowed to be consumed.Performing the RHPS every Friday night continues to expose new audiences to another world. A world that promotes self-love and confidence. “Don’t Dream it, Be it” A common and repetitive phrase within RHPS is something young adults don’t get to hear very often from contemporary films or television. The RHPS is one of few films left to young adults which is pure fantasy. It neither is gratuitously violent or irresponsible in its message.
LDOD’s performance is non-exclusive, meaning that everyone who comes to view the film and cast can get involved as much or as little as they deem fit. We all choose our own level of involvement. LDOD prides itself as a launching board for rising actors in the metro Atlanta area.